Bowtech, the original Bowen Technique ® works by safely stimulating the natural healing processes of the body, to address the root cause (rather than just the symptoms), of any condition the body may have manifested – regardless of how Bowtech stands apart from other health modalities as it:

  • uses no medication or equipment, (other than your hands)
  • minimal touch, performed through clothes
  • requires very few treatments so provides cost effective results
  • enhances athletic performance speeds up injury recovery
  • animals love it too
  • it simultaneously works on all levels associated with health  i.e. physical, mental and emotional wellbeing
  • usable from day 1. People from all walks of life have learned this revolutionary healthcare modality.

Course Modules 1-6:

Comprised of two days each and combine theory and practical hands-on training, to give immediate working self-interest knowledge to safely treat your family or friends, perform workplace first aid, or offer relief in any emergency situation. An essential skill especially if you live in isolation.

For a career as a Professional Bowtech® Practitioner, you will need:

  • Modules 1-6
  • 20 hours business studies
  • 200 hours anatomy and physiology study (available through correspondence)
  • further case studies and 4 refresher/assessment days (Modules 7 & 8).

The study content can be worked in around full-time work commitments.

Bowtech®, the original Bowen technique, is perfect for those already trained in the health, sports or beauty field, to broaden your client data base and extend the range of health issues treated. Cross-crediting of relevant qualifications is available. As an associate Member of the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia, Bowtech® training in NZ is based on their international formats.



MOD 1+2 May 16 -19
MOD 3 July 12+13
MOD 4 August 9+10
MOD 5 September 13+14
MOD 6 October 11+12
MOD 7 November 15+16

MOD 1+2 September 5-8
MOD 3+4 November 7-10
MOD 5+6 February 2026, 6 – 9


The fee for this course is $2,500. A non-refundable deposit of $100 is required one month before the course commences. To secure your place a deposit of $100 is applicable. Payment by instalments is $800 at Modules 1, 3 and 5.

North Island: A discounted fee of $2,100 applies if paid in advance (before Module 1)
South Island: A discounted fee of $2,200 applies. (Prepayment only)

Please contact me to discuss details and clarify any questions you may have. If you choose to sign up for this course, you will receive further information regarding course details.

I look forward to hearing from you and sharing this truly amazing bodywork!

Student feedback:

Michele D:
It was a big decision for me to change direction at a later point in my career, but I am so pleased I did!  I learned so much and found that I can make a difference already.  This course gives you the tools to impact on people’s lives in such a profound way, including me.